Updated the page for The Angel Esmeralda with some new review links. Also added a link for a report on the recent Event at the NY Barnes & Noble. Added a brief article & link with comments from DeLillo to the Bibliography dated 10 Sept. 1998. Lastly pulled out the 'old adds' for 2006-2009 onto separate pages.
(Dec 23, 2011)
Created a new page for The Angel Esmeralda : Nine Stories, with some new links including the Martin Amis review.
(Nov 20, 2011)
The Angel Esmeralda is now out! Updated the Events page, adding a couple media links. Also added a new entry to the Stories for "The Starveling" which appears in the collection.
(Nov 16, 2011)
Added a couple upcoming events for November - DeLillo appearances in Lisbon and NYC - details on the Events page. Also added a new entry to the Bibliography for the new story "The Starveling" which appears in Granta 117, the Horror issue.
(Oct 30, 2011)
A short interview with DeLillo appeared at Grantland.com, conducted via email with Rafe Bartholomew (is Don really doing email now?). It centers on Underworld on the 60th anniversary of the ballgame. When asked about what sports event he might picture for a post-Cold War work, DeLillo says "To portray America over the past twenty years or so, I would think immediately of football, probably the Super Bowl in its sumptuous suggestion of a national death wish." Full interview is at Grantland.
(Oct 14, 2011)
Added The Believer's "Don DeLillo in conversation with Bret Easton Ellis" (Sep 2011 issue) to the Interviews page, and to the Bibliography .
(Sep 20, 2011)
Added a re-recommendation of Underworld to the Media Watch page, and also added the above cover image for the forthcoming short story collection The Angel Esmeralda: Nine Stories.
(July 18, 2011)
Added a couple links to the Cosmopolis the film page, for those tracking its progress.
(June 20, 2011)
Scribner has announced the publication of a DeLillo story collection in November 2011 - more details on the Events page (also noted on the Stories page.
(June 7, 2011)
Created a separate page for Cosmopolis the film, which has started filming!
(May 26, 2011)
Added a listing for DeLillo's visit to Rome on May 19 to the Events page.
(May 22, 2011)
Updated the Italian editions with many new cover images, including the first edition of La Stella di Ratner new this year, all on the Italian editions page. Also added a picture from DeLillo's visit to Prague in April to the Events page.
(May 7, 2011)
DeLillo will be giving a reading in Prague tomorrow, April 18, as part of the Prague Writers' Festival; more details on the Events page.
(April 17, 2011)
Added an item for an online recording of Chang-rae Lee reading DeLillo's "Baader-Meinhof" to the Odds and Ends page. Also updated the previous entry on the new Picador UK edition covers.
(March 28, 2011)
Added three items with links to the Interviews page ; 2010 - Dale Singer/St. Louis Beacon, 2003 - David Ulin/LA Times, and 1997 - David Ulin/LA Times. Also added to the Bibliography page.
(March 25, 2011)
A production of DeLillo's 'Valparaiso' will open March 18 in Cleveland, OH - noted on the Events page and the Valparaiso productions page. Also added an image of the paperback edition to the Point Omega editions page.
(March 4, 2011)
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