DeLillo's annotated copy of Underworld to be auctioned on Dec. 2, 2014 in NYC. Details on the Underworld Annotated page as well as an Event.
(Dec 1, 2014)
Added the info for the publication of the short play 'The Word for Snow' - details on the Bibliography.
(Nov 24, 2014)
A sudden flurry of DeLillo news! He received yet another award on Monday - details on the Events page. The short play 'The Word for Snow' has been published - details and a link on the Plays page, with some backstory on the Odds and Ends page, where there's another oddity too: DeLillo 'reviews' Taylor Swift.
(Oct 30, 2014)
News event - Don DeLillo sold his house. Details and story link on the Events page.
(Oct 5, 2014)
Added a new page for the Portuguese editions of DeLillo work - with a whole slew of cover images! Check it out at Portuguese editions.
(Sept 1, 2014)
A sad recent event noted: the passing of DeLillo's longtime agent Lois Wallace on April 4, 2014. Added an obscure early UK edition of End Zone to the gallery. Also embedded a video of a Cannes press conference for Cosmopolis in 2012, with DeLillo, Cronenberg and the cast. And finally added a link to the audio of the DeLillo-Franzen event of October 24, 2012.
(April 18, 2014)
Added a very tangential note to Odds & Ends about Atticus Lish.
(Jan 28, 2014)
Updated the Amazons Media Watch with the flurry of recent 're-discovery' articles.
(Jan 13, 2014)