New Additions to the DeLillo Pages in 2008

This page notes all new additions to the page in 2008.

Added several cover images, and did some rearrangement of the images into 'cover galleries'; new content added for End Zone covers, Great Jones Street covers, and Running Dog covers.
(Dec. 9, 2008)

Three updates today.

Found another interesting Russion edition of a DeLillo novel - White Noise - published in 2003. Image and info available on the Russian Novels page.

Added a link and short excerpt from a good blog entry on the DeLillo- David Foster Wallace letters - see the end of the Oct. 23 2008 entry on the Events page.

Added a link to another publication of the DeLillo piece 'Woman in the distance' in the new periodical Artesian, along with an image from the film 'Wanda'; details on the Articles page.
(Dec. 6, 2008)

Several nice items today.

Added a link to the online publication of the DeLillo piece 'Woman in the distance' which was published by the Guardian last week; link available on the Articles page.

Added a picture of the program from the David Foster Wallace memorial to the Events page.

Created a Dial H.I.S.T.O.R.Y page, with a link to the film online at UBUWEB.

Also added some info on the purported DeLillo blog at The Onion on the Odds and Ends page.
(Nov 6, 2008)

Added news that DeLillo spoke at a memorial for David Foster Wallace on Oct 23, along with a bit of news from the Skidmore reading. Details on the Events page. Also added the text of a letter from Norman Mailer to DeLillo regarding Libra.
(Oct 26, 2008)

News of an upcoming public DeLillo talk on October 14 in upstate New York. Details on the Events page (thanks to Bosh!).
(Sept 23, 2008)

Not much news this summer... and today's update is a disappointing one - turns out filming never started on "End Zone" so who knows if the movie will ever get made. Details on the Odds and Ends page (scroll down a bit).
(Sept 7, 2008)

Two updates on the DeLillo Events page; an upcoming production of Love-Lies-Bleeding in Melbourne, Australia (thanks Bosh!), and news of a past production of Valparaiso in June in NYC (thanks to Mike). Also updated a link for the online journal Undercurrent on the Lit Crit page.
(July 12, 2008)

Posted a page of notes and photos from the DeLillo Conference in Osnabrück, and also posted news of a performance of 'The Word for Snow' in the Czech Republic in August (see Events for more details).
(June 14, 2008)

Listed a new book of DeLillo criticism, fresh from Cambridge, and added three cover images of German editions (first edition of White Noise, and two of Libra/Sieben Sekunden).
(May 17, 2008)

I've changed the email contact info for the site, and discontinuing the email subscriptions - please use the RSS feed!
(May 10, 2008)

Just a bit of housekeeping on the home page today; doing a bit of experimenting with SSI.

(April 30, 2008)

First off, the Onion Magazine tackles DeLillo - link to Odds and Ends for a nice graphic. Also, another reading of DeLillo's "The Word for Snow" in Chicago, on April 21 - see Events for details.

(April 19, 2008)

One more DeLillo event of interest in April - there'll be a reading of a short play on April 22 in NYC (most likely 'The Word for Snow'). Thanks to Bosh for this one.

(April 6, 2008)

More info on the international DeLillo conference coming up in late April in Germany, as well as an upcoming DeLillo appearance at the Norman Mailer Memorial on April 9 in NYC; see the Events page for details.

(April 2, 2008)

News on the international DeLillo conference coming up in late April in Germany; see the Events page for details.

(March 19, 2008)

News on an upcoming production of "Love-Lies-Bleeding" in Boston starting Feb 15. See Love-Lies-Bleeding Productions page.

(February 6, 2008)

News on the passing of a defender of access to literature, who kept DeLillo's Americana on the shelves of her Utah library in the face of great pressures, added to Odds and Ends page.

(January 27, 2008)

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